What do you do with YOUR Ideas?

As I’ve shared before I absolutely LOVE picture books. In a short period of time you can be TOTALLY moved.  I have been amassing quite a library for Jacob and truth be told… they’re just as much for me. :)

Some of the books capture you with the illustrations, some with the characters, some with the stories. But every now and then one just MOVES you. This is one such picture book.

What Do You Do With An Idea

For years I’ve had the IDEA… change education in a way that reaches every child as a unique learner. I’ve tried everything… the classroom, administration, district level administration, consulting, teacher training, tutoring, curriculum development, conference speaker, etc. Nothing has impacted in a way that sustains my IDEA… use your expertise and enthusiasm to help every learner into a customized program.

In 2009 I gave up. I sought a totally different career direction. But following me around was this IDEA…awaken every learner through an individualized approach. I found myself looking for ways to link my new career with this IDEA.

As I researched the possibilities for customization through technology I found the digital game and all it’s potential. I spent hours developing a Massive Digital Learning Space that followed game design. While this seemed a way to reach every learner it required huge funds to build. This IDEA to awaken every learner through a customized learning experience just did’t seem to be possible.

I resented the IDEA. It kept me awake at night and I didn’t see how to bring it to fruition. It’s one thing to have an IDEA… it’s another to make it happen.

My journey has brought me to 2018 where I help homeschool parents plan meaningful experiences to awaken the LEARN in every learner. I believe this is the place where my IDEA can grow. Together we are Learning about every learner and how to reach them.

My IDEA has evolved. It has grown. It has become a mission that clings to my heart with more conviction every day.

It drives me. It encourages me. It comforts me. It is MY PURPOSE. 

This book has captured my IDEA journey with such accuracy and emotion that every time I read it… I’m MOVED.

In my darkest hours I pull out this picture book and read it out loud to myself. While I don’t think I’ve gotten through it once without crying, it is REJUVENATION and RESOLVE at the most core level of my being.  I believe this IDEA is my God-designed purpose.

I read it to the kids in my book club. I read it to my husband. I read it to my son. I read it to my team. I read it to my nieces and nephews. And I read it to myself.

If you don’t have this book on your shelf GET IT.  Every one of us has an IDEA… and this book inspires us to embrace it. Who knows… maybe your IDEA will change a life. Maybe your child’s IDEA will change thousands.

Thank you Kobi Yamada for your simple but profound picture of how an idea can change your world.


P.S. Please come share your IDEA with us, even if it’s one you feel is a nothing idea. Homeschooling HUB.  And then get this book to see there are no nothing ideas. :)


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