Creativity Muscle Workouts: Freedom



This is posting on July 4th, Independence Day for the United States of America.

Since this holiday is a profound reminder of the VALUE of FREEDOM,  I thought I would have us consider how this value is experienced by our characters. 

While for our country it's freedom from Tyranny, what does it look and sound like for an individual person? 

  • For Hiccup... it's freedom from the cultural expectation of killing dragons. 
  • For Will Smith in the movie Independence Day... it's freedom from alien annihilation. 
  • For Moana... it's freedom from the limitations of her culture which is shackled to fear and the lies of their ancestors.
  • For Wiley... it's freedom from the road runner's teasing. 
  • For Kylo Wren... it's freedom from the lies of the dark side that taint the actions of Ben Knobi. 
  • For Frances in Under the Tuscan Sun... it's freedom from the devastation of infidelity, divorce, and her own playing small. 


Now you try it... 

Creativity Muscle Exercise #8 

This exercise is less writing and more thinking/digging... 

  • List 10 characters you enjoy from books, TV, film and games (include a couple villains) 
  • What does FREEDOM mean to them? 
  • What FREEDOM are they looking for? 
  • What FREEDOM do they find through the journey inside their story? 
  • What FIGHT are they will to endure for this freedom? 



1. Did any of their FREEDOM look and sound like yours? 

2. Were these difficult to figure out? 

3. Why is FREEDOM so important to a person? And thus an opportunity to lend insight into your characters? 



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