Revising My Pug Picture Books...

There are many things I enjoy.  Picture books are one of my favorites.  I have collected a wonderful library for Jacob; and I enjoy reading different books to him as often as he will let me. Of course his attention span right now is about 2-4 pages and thus we miss most of the meat of a book. But the times we get through to all 10 ladybugs disappearing... I smile. He smiles. And once in a while, he turns it back to the beginning and we read it all again. 

Pictures books amaze me.  

So this shouldn’t surprise you… but my latest plunge is into creating a series of picture books that address learning, my specialty. I haven't seen these kinds of stories in the market and I think they could be valuable to learners. 

My main character is Pistachio the Pug who loves to learn and tackles many of the struggles learners face as he completes his work for the Pugademy, School for Smart Pugs. Pistachio will be a hit because his learning journey is not that different from what every young (and old) learner encounter.  Plus… he’s a pug and pugs are sooo cute.

Each story has been through at least 8-10 revisions. As I get feedback and let my mind ponder it seems Pistachio's journey changes. Yet again. Sometimes I get frustrated that I need to revise big chunks of story and illustration for yet the 15th time... But that's the nature of storytelling.

It's the nature of writing.

It's the nature of life.

To think I could get everything right the first time is unrealistic. Even the BEST writers have to revise. 

Contrary to how most people FEEL about revision, it is NOT an enemy. It's the Mr. Miagi who demands "wax on wax off" until the piece is sparkling. We don't always like the coach or trainer who says, "do it again," repeatedly. But the final product is ALWAYS so much better. So we choose to trust them. 

Revision is the same way.  It is a gift to train ourselves AND our children to think that everything can be revised in order to improve. It keeps us from accepting mediocre.

Mind you, cultivating an attitude of revision does NOT require we revise everything. (a future blog)  But it does require we be willing to… if necessary.

The most beautiful works of art, the most amazing inventions, the most fulfilling relationships... they all take revision. 

The best picture books are no exception. Every author has revised his/her story to bring the reader an experience that tugs at our hearts. It moves us to tears. It brings us closer to the smile that says... let's read it again. 

Please come share your revision stories with us at Homeschooling HUB

Have a learning-filled week -



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