What's REALLY Important This Christmas

If I were to write a Christmas song I think I would title it...

What's REALLY Important This Christmas?

3 weeks ago, my family moved from southern California to Texas and the transition has been tough.   I figured amongst all the crazy, a Southern Christmas would be just what the Doctor ordered...

But my attempt at a Cowboy Christmas has not started well and it's only the beginning of December. We attempted to go to a Tree lighting in a neighboring small town and my little munchkin had a melt down. We left after 15 minutes. 

Then we went to put up our Christmas Tree and my box of decorations was nowhere to be found.  Hopefully just lost in our storage shed and not lost by the moving company. 

While these are little things, they were the icing on the cake of moving that just sent me spiraling into tears.  I went to bed. 

The next morning I awoke with an epiphany of perspective....

Many people go without at Christmas... and their "without" is much bigger than a tree lighting and box of ornaments.  Some go without...

  • Their spouse and mom or dad because of military deployments...
  • Their little children because of sickness and death...
  • Housing...
  • Food...

This first day of December is a sobering reminder that Christmas is about celebrating the greatest gift, baby Jesus and what He brought to our world.  

I decided to abandon my pity party and bounce back. 

I found ribbon in my craft box, plastic flowers from an old arrangement, and my army toys. 

I decided to bring back my old tradition and weave it into new ones.  

I decided to choose joy and perspective and giving this Christmas.

What epiphanies have you had about the real meaning of the Christmas season?  


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