Creativity Muscle Workouts: The Unexpected

Jun 23, 2022

The UNEXPECTED is always a great tool in writing.

Whether it's...

  • An unexpected outcome
  • An unexpected setting 
  • An unexpected feeling
  • An unexpected death
  • An unexpected presence
  • An unexpected emotional response

It's powerful. WHY?

Because you surprised your audience and that's delightful. It's the TWIST... 

Now I say SURPRISE... not SHOCK! Delight not violate. So the WAY you employ the unexpected must work for your audience. 

Therefore today's creativity muscle exercise is to use the SAME prompt as day 1 and go in the opposite direction. 

  • If in the woods, you went to frightening... then go to pleasant.  
  • If in the woods, you went with to sadness... then go to joy. 
  • If in the woods, you went with to horror... go with childlike. 
  • If in the woods, you went with to serious... go with humorous. 
  • If in the woods, you went to environmental... go with gluttony. 

Tell the UNEXPECTED ending... and have fun inventing something...

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Creativity Muscle Workouts: Everyone is CREATIVE

Jun 22, 2022

Everyone is CREATIVE...

Look at any 2-4 year old when you hand them a blank sheet of poster paper, a container of paints, and a paintbrush. They create without reservation. They don't stop and say, "I don't know if I'm creative..."

  • There is no self-doubt.
  • There is no perfection.
  • There is no expectation.
  • There is only CREATIVE.... 

Being 25, 45, or 65 is no different. We just may have allowed our creativity muscle to atrophy a bit. It may have been discouraged when someone said our dinosaur made out of a toilet paper roll, cotton balls, and purple paint was lame.  But that muscle is NOT gone. 

  • We can awaken it. 
  • We can strengthen it. 
  • We can believe that it is real and powerful. 
  • We can enjoy it. 

Therefore, I'm committing to post a Creativity Muscle Workout daily for the next 100 days...  One exercise at a time, we will get your creativity muscle revived and primed to CREATE.  

While most of the exercises...

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