COS (Cognitive Operating System) Stories

Jul 26, 2020

Funny story… I have never been very good at determining how long things really take to do. My TO DO list is evidence of this. I have far too many items listed and too many boxes left unchecked at the end of the day. When I go to “run errands,” I plan to accomplish 5-6 of them in an estimated 1 hour. LOL!!

I laugh about this now, because this work I’m doing around the COS has brought to light my weak sense of time. Even when I’m writing this email, I think… 15 minutes… and then when I look back over the time for revision, editing, uploading, and links… it’s more like 90 minutes.

In contrast, my husband has an EXCELLENT sense of time. He just knows how long things are going to take and he is always pithing 10 minutes of accurate. He doesn’t count minutes or write out a time-specific plan, he just knows. It’s a strength I do possess.  This work uncovered this difference and allowed us to talk and laugh about it....

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