VALUE of Developing Collaboration Skills

Jul 25, 2020

The 21st century workplace uses collaboration on a daily basis. So much so, its in the top 5 skills looked for my hiring managers.

You might be asking… then how do we get from ineffective group work to effective collaboration skills?

Good question and one that won’t be answered by the classroom. 

GOOD collaboration requires a vulnerability FROM each participant and a deep respect FOR each participant for that vulnerability.  If either ingredient is missing, the cake doesn’t taste good (Metaphor alert! ).

This recipe is so CRUCIAL, organizations frequently use a skilled facilitator to create safety, elicit vulnerability, mediate discussion, remind respect, and monitor progress toward an end goal.  In time, this group grows in self-awareness and learns to check themselves and each other rendering a 3rd party facilitator unnecessary. This does not happen over night… but is the ultimate goal of collaboration.

This kind of facilitation and...

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