Creativity Muscle Workouts: Out of their Wheelhouse

Jun 28, 2022

I was watching a re-run of Friends this afternoon... you know the episode where Joey writes the "Recommendation Letter to the Adoption Agency" for Monica and Chandler. Joey used the thesaurus on EVERY WORD of his letter. He wanted to sound smart. 

But isn't that ONE KIND OF COMEDY... in attempting to sound smart, he sounds ridiculous. 

This opened up a handful of creativity moments for me, which I will explore over the next few workouts :) For today...

Writing comedy can simply be a person trying to be or do something that isn't "in their wheelhouse." For example...

  • Hiccup in "How to Train Your Dragon." He is constantly trying to be something he is not... a dragon-killer. And his attempts are funny. Sad, but funny. 
  • Joey in "Friends." He attempts to sound smart and only sounds ridiculous. 
  • Lucy in "I Love Lucy." She and Ethel try to be candy-makers and end up consuming and stuffing pounds of chocolate into their mouths, hats, and dresses. And all...
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