Creativity Muscle Workouts: Create an Image

Jul 06, 2022

A picture is worth 1000 words.... 

It's time to look at this from the other perspective... how do we CREATE IMAGES that capture ideas, principles, beliefs, emotion, relationship etc.

Being an author, coach, cheerleader and lover of STORYBOOKS... I hold this perspective close.

  • Every page in a storybook shows the words being acted out.
  • It gives a level of context that in a novel might require 10 pages.
  • It's a powerful connection to our visual and creative portions of our brain. 
  • It brings the words to life. 

Thus I believe that to envision a principle in picture form may be more powerful than any quote posted on a wall. For it requires we see this quote in action. 

Therefore today's creativity muscle exercise is going to have to you VISUALIZE and create an image. 

For those who are about to hit... NEXT because you believe you can't draw, WAIT. Take a deep breath and realize this is not anything you have to share... ever. 


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