Using PLAY to improve Writing - The AMERICAN GIRL

May 04, 2018

Writing seems to be a tough skill for most children. Actually many adults would confess to not being great writers either. And teaching writing can be an even bigger challenge. I’m not talking the mechanical act of writing… I’m talking about getting words into the form of sentences, paragraphs, dialogue, and pages, with a cohesive feel that accomplishes your purpose and reaches your audience.

 I have found writing is less painful when it is associated with something FUN. Thus I promote writing from PLAY.  (I am in the middle of a series called “Using PLAY to improve Writing.” You can find the videos on my FB page .)

 I know what you’re thinking. How do I use PLAY to address writing?

 First, let me clarify what I mean by writing. It’s any way that I, the writer, communicate what I understand OUT to an audience. It could be a paragraph, a data table, a graph, a visualization, a video, a script, a poster etc. And writing...

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Learning Is MESSY

May 04, 2018

Learning is MESSY.  OK. But how do I support the learning, when all I want to do is make it NEAT?

Do you remember learning to feed yourself? Of course not. But I'm sure your parents do. You do remember your child learning to feed him/herself. It’s a combination of letting go and stepping in. They have to use that spoon for the first time and when they do the food tends to be everywhere but in their mouth. MESSY. But it’s part of the process of learning how to feed yourself. 

My little Jacob wanted to use the spoon himself very early. (He has a self-sufficient streak that is both exciting and frustrating.) And so I handed him a spoon. I was a little reluctant because I knew that my table and chairs would never be the same. But if I never allow him the chance to learn, which is messy, then I would still be feeding him at 10. And that is ridiculous.

For him to get proficient at eating, he has to spill. He has to miss his mouth and get the spaghetti sauce all over...

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