Learning Is MESSY

May 04, 2018

Learning is MESSY.  OK. But how do I support the learning, when all I want to do is make it NEAT?

Do you remember learning to feed yourself? Of course not. But I'm sure your parents do. You do remember your child learning to feed him/herself. It’s a combination of letting go and stepping in. They have to use that spoon for the first time and when they do the food tends to be everywhere but in their mouth. MESSY. But it’s part of the process of learning how to feed yourself. 

My little Jacob wanted to use the spoon himself very early. (He has a self-sufficient streak that is both exciting and frustrating.) And so I handed him a spoon. I was a little reluctant because I knew that my table and chairs would never be the same. But if I never allow him the chance to learn, which is messy, then I would still be feeding him at 10. And that is ridiculous.

For him to get proficient at eating, he has to spill. He has to miss his mouth and get the spaghetti sauce all over...

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The Red Pen. Empowering or Paralyzing?

Jan 19, 2018

How did you feel as a child when you got back your work and it was covered with red pen? Excited or fearful? Empowered or disappointed? 

I find most people felt negative about the red pen. 

WHY then do we use it? Let's explore the motive behind the red pen. 

For some it may be a power trip to get to mark up a paper; sort of a passing along of the pain they felt with the red pen. But this is a whole other problem. 

The motive behind the red pen, is usually that of wanting to give feedback that can be helpful to the child. Then let's explore feedback and how our RED PEN BEHAVIORS might impede that goal. 

First - Research has a bit to say about feedback. 

1. If any of the feedback on the page represents a SCORE, that is all the learner sees. Regardless of the quality of the rest of the comments, the only one that is remembered (and usually read) is the SCORE. 

IMPLICATIONS - If you want your learner to read, internalize, and use the feedback, then...

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Overcoming the "Socialization" Argument Against Homeschooling

Oct 21, 2017

I recently did a live stream on "Overcoming the 'Socialization' Argument Against Homeschooling." Join my FREE group Rookie Homeschoolers and watch it (videos section).

I'm astonished at how big this seems to be to some people, especially when compared to the long-lasting effects of one's academic learning experience and development of their spirit of life-long learning. But none-the-less it seems to be the issue EVERYONE brings up to a homeschooler or potential homeschooler. 

There are three misconceptions around "Socialization."

MISCONCEPTION #1 - Schools Teach Socialization - They do NOT. Parent Do. Friends Do. School is just a place to practice social skills. You can do this. 

  • You can teach appropriate social skills i.e. Don't hit, No Name Calling, Share, Apologize, Forgive, Be kind. 
  • You can plan play dates, involve your child in youth groups, boy/girl scouts, family events, etc. Here you offer a place to practice and an opportunity for you to...
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Love Your Client NOT Your Content

Oct 12, 2017

Yesterday I was working with my social media marketing/Business coach, Caitlin Bacher, and she reminded me, "Love your CLIENT, NOT your content." 

I have spent my whole life loving my students and wanting to give them the best learning experience, but somehow with my homeschooling work I focused on the wrong students. While their kids are the ones who get the ultimate benefit of my work, HOMESCHOOL PARENTS are MY students. They are my learners. 

I feel re-focused on my client... as I now see them as my learner, depending on me to give them my BEST. I have a new excitement about building a community in my FREE Facebook Group, Rookie Homeschoolers. It's a place for me to find out what they need, encourage them in their journey, show them how to support each other, and help them take the  best steps to be a GREAT Homeschool TEACHER. 

I'm doing my first FB LIVE and I'm nervous. But when I remind myself that I've stood in front of 1000s of learners from ages...

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Zootopia - Writing Prompts

Aug 11, 2017

Zootopia (from Disney) has become one of my favorite movies lately, and not just because my son loves it and we've watched it over 300 times. But because it's clever, touches my heart and inspires me. I absolutely love Judy Hopps. Her naivety is relatable and her desire to change the world is not unlike my own. And Nick Wilde, well his situation and transformation is much like many young men I've met in my education journey. 

I love to analyze movies and find the deep nuances woven into the story by the writer and director. I want to extract all of the meaning and experience they intended for me. For this reason I believe films are a great opportunity to exercise our thinking muscles and write.  Especially in the 21st century where we have access to most movies in our own homes. Additionally, some of the harder things to observe in texts i.e. irony, metaphor, subtext, character change, etc. are easier to learn and understand in movies....

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Create a Writer's Toolbox

Aug 08, 2017

Between Pinterest and Google, it's easy to find resume samples, images of clipart clouds, and a list of words for "went." But if we are writing regularly we tend to collect these into some resource. Perhaps it's bookmarked in our browser or in a file folder in our desk drawer.  Either way, we find ways to collect resources to make writing easier. 

We need to teach our kids to do the same. "Create a Writer's Toolbox" is a FREE micro-course I've developed to help you talk with your kids about writing and help them create their own personal writing resource. 

If you are homeschooling, this could be a resource you add to every day. If just monitoring your child's academics, maybe you add once or twice a week when you do homework or read together. Either way - this resource is here to help you help your child create a tool that can making writing less DAUNTING. 

Check it out today. 




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Why is INNOVATION important to our children?

Jul 29, 2017

Creating Innovators has compiled a sobering list of statistics and references to the importance INNOVATION to the sustainability of our American Culture. Each emphasizes the need for us to INCREASE our innovative thinking, especially in our youth. 

These two struck me the deepest. 

1. A survey by GE in 2011 of senior executives in 12 countries - 95% said INNOVATION is the main lever for a competitive national economy. 

2. ALL of the NET new jobs in the last 5 years have been from start ups. 

If we want to give our children any edge for their future, we need to be developing their INNOVATIVE skills. 

Innovation isn't just technology, it's a way of thinking that addresses problems with creative approaches that aim for better, smarter, faster, more efficient and effective products, processes, and services.  

Inventor Dean Kamen says "It was one human generation between building a machine that could lift a human and move him 100 ft (plane) to...

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Creating Innovators

Jul 24, 2017

This is a book review for Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. 

The book is eye-opening. Tony Wagner interviews some of the most innovative people of the 21st century and considers what it takes to raise children who will be innovators. He has testimonials of numerous professionals all over the world who claim that the ONLY competitive edge for the 21st century is one's ability to innovate through imagination and creativity. 

Check out this book and his site http://creatinginnovators.com The opening video is enough to rock you. 

If homeschooling - we need to consider together the kinds of learning experiences that can set your child on this kind of path.

If not homeschooling - consider what you can do as a parent to help your child down this kind of path. 

Book on Amazon - ...

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Creating Innovators

Jul 24, 2017

This is a book review for Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. 

The book is eye-opening. Tony Wagner interviews some of the most innovative people of the 21st century and considers what it takes to raise children who will be innovators. He has testimonials of numerous professionals all over the world who claim that the ONLY competitive edge for the 21st century is one's ability to innovate through imagination and creativity. 

Check out this book and his site http://creatinginnovators.com The opening video is enough to rock you. 

If homeschooling - we need to consider together the kinds of learning experiences that can set your child on this kind of path.

If not homeschooling - consider what you can do as a parent to help your child down this kind of path. 

Book on Amazon - ...

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